Airport Capability Model Self Assessment

Step 1 of 6

In the post pandemic operating environment, when staff numbers and experience is limited, and investment and recruitment has been deferred for a number of years, it is difficult to make and prioritise the business decisions necessary to deal with issues currently being faced.

Additionally, within the same context of limited resources and in-house expertise, airports are having to incorporate planning for increasingly complex future challenges such as the environment, digitisation, Urban Air Mobility, the pace of change, and the inability of traditional procurement models to support innovation.

Through the application of enterprise architecture to airport operations, Solus has created a target operating model concept to facilitate an assessment of the airport organisation, suppliers and key stakeholders across a broad range of topics including strategic planning, resource management, service delivery, compliance, quality and procurement.

Using data gathered through self-assessment surveys, interviews, and requested financial information, the outputs from our analysis include not simply a stand-alone scoring, but valuable comparisons with industry peers, to identify improvement areas and shape future airport strategy.

All responses will be kept confidential by Solus, and any information provided will be anonymised and aggregated before presentation of final reports to ensure no individual can be identified with the views expressed.

The provision of contact details is simply to ensure the survey team can follow up should additional clarification be required to confirm our understanding of points raised.

Your details

Please provide some brief details regarding your role in the organisation to assist with our survey.

What is your name?(Required)

Strategic planning

The focus of this section is to understand how the organisation establishes clear direction and focus for achieving their long-term goals taking into account the ever changing operational environment.

Industry and regulatory awareness: How well do we understand what's happening in the wider business context and what is emerging over the next 5 years that may impact us?(Required)

Strategic demand forecasting: Are we clear about what next year and beyond looks like in terms of demand on our service/systems/process/people?(Required)

Resource planning: Do we understand what resources we will need over time to meet delivery requirements?(Required)

Business continuity strategy: Do we understand the impact to the business if we loose some key infrastructure?(Required)

Capital and investment planning: How much do we ineed to invest to sustain/grow our business and is it planned in?(Required)

Resource management

The following questions consider whether resources are effectively aligned towards a common purpose and our ability to optimise them through scheduling, and allocation.

Staff development: How do we consider staff development needs? For example, through individual professional development and training.(Required)

Resilience management: How easy is it for our operation to flex service delivery to meet demand resulting from unplanned events?(Required)

Infrastructure sustainability: How stable and fit for purpose is the infrastructure we depend on to deliver our service?(Required)

Infrastructure enhancement: Are we proactive in identifying, planning and implementing improvements to our infrastructure to deliver operational benefits?(Required)

Recruitment and Retention: How robust is our recruitment process in finding the right people for our organisation and then keeping them?(Required)

Service delivery

This section addresses issues how the organisation plans for and meets service demands, including how it is organised, and interacts with and utilises third party providers.

Demand and capacity planning: Do we have a plan to meet service demand over the next 12 months and our capacity to deliver?(Required)

Demand and capacity balancing: How effective is our process to balance service demand, resources and available capacity to deliver our service?(Required)

Service organisation: How is our organisation configured to deliver our service?(Required)

Operational integration: How well does our service organisation and processes integrate with other operational stakeholders external to our sphere of control?(Required)

Maintaining infrastructure: How adequate is our ability to keep our infrastructure up and running so that its available when we need it?(Required)

Outsourced services management: We know how well our 3rd party services are integrated with our organisation, (if we need to outsource to other suppliers)(Required)

Compliance, Quality and Procurement

Ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, maintaining high-quality products and services, and implementing effective procurement strategies, can improve operations, reduce risk, and ultimately assist organisations to achieve their goals.

Regulatory compliance: Do we effectively meet the regulatory requirements placed on our service?(Required)

Performance Management: We know how well we monitor our performance, implement root cause fixes and promote action to sustain positive aspects of our service delivery.(Required)

Non-Conformance Management: From a quality perspective how well do we react to and resolve non conformance issues?(Required)

Service acquisition: How good are we at defining what core capability is important to us? How do we define and procure 3rd party services when we decide to out source?(Required)

Technology Acquisition: How good are we at defining technical capabilities that are important to us? Are we good at defining 3rd party technical services? Do we know how good we are at defining 3rd party services?(Required)

Project Delivery: We know how effective we are at defining and assessing the success of delivery when we procure large ticket items and how effective the process is to assure delivery into operation service.(Required)